
📦 Website 🔨 NextJS and Contentful 🙎‍♂️ by Madza

I've always liked to write, code, and do some music production in my spare time, so I wanted my portfolio to reflect all that.

I wanted my portfolio to be simple, clean, and easy to navigate on both mobile and desktop devices.

For more details on how I created it, read the blog post.


  1. Landing area
  2. Blog section
  3. Projects section
  4. Music section
  5. Markdown highlighting
  6. Content sharing
  7. Load progress
  8. Scroll to top
  9. Search and filter
  10. Contact options

Tech stack

The project is created using NextJS and Contentful.

Extra modules include Framer Motion, Nprogress, React-Syntax-Highlighter and React Share.

Varela Round, Quicksand, Poppins and Inter fonts are used for typography.

Final notes

The previous placeholder version of my portfolio is available here.